Valuable Verve, Federica (V-SS05/S21EN) [Premium Collection 2020]

Title: Near Mint
Sale price$2.60
Sold out


Rarity: Secret Rare
Set Name: Premium Collection 2020
Card Number: V-SS05/S21EN
Release Date: 2020-08-07
Unit: G
Grade: 4
Skill Icon: Triple Drive
Nation: Magallanica
Race: Mermaid
Clan: Bermuda Triangle
Power: 15000
Shield: 0
Critical: 1
"[Stride]-Stride Step-[COST][Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] [Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down. [AUTO]{(VC)}:When placed, reveal ten cards from the top of your deck, and if all of them have different card names, call up to five face down cards with [Power] and different card names from your G zone to (RC), and until end of turn, they get [Power]+15000, and can attack from the back row. (At the end of the turn, put all G units on (RC) into the G zone face up. They are put into the G zone face up if turned face down or leave the (RC))"

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